I'm lacking time to search for all the links, but cannot than recommend you a (far) more careful…
Re. Russian bases and air defences in Syria: as should be clear from their behaviour ever since 2015, the Russian air defences in Syria are…
I'm lacking time to search for all the links, but cannot than recommend you a (far) more careful monitoring of related reporting - foremost in the Israeli press, and by diverse of Israeli think-tanks (a complete summary for 'basics' of the situation there can be found here: https://www.helion.co.uk/military-history-books/moscows-game-of-poker-russian-military-intervention-in-syria-2015-2017.php?sid=3aeef9c9c9f4bbacb90e278c27d1ba7c).
Re. Russian bases and air defences in Syria: as should be clear from their behaviour ever since 2015, the Russian air defences in Syria are not there to protect the IRGC, but to protect Russian bases in Syria. As long as nobody is threatening these, the Russians are not shooting back.
Moreover, these are protecting a very narrow area (triangle between Sanobar, Masyaf and Tartous).
Unsurprisingly, the problem are not the Russian air bases, or Israeli air strikes on Syria: problem is the fact that ever since the series of most fierce Israeli air strikes on the IRGC in the country, run back in 2017, the IRGC moved its most important facilities precisely within that triangle, especially to the Masyaf area.
With other words: the IRGC 'found protection' through 'hugging' Russian bases in Syria.
(This is how comes that the Assadists then shot down one of Russian Il-20s off Syira, back in 2018: the Israelis attacked 'over' and from the direction of that Russian aircraft, and in direction of Mayaf - and the Assadsits 'returned' fire.)
Finally, even after the lastest Israeli air strikes, all that has happened was not that the Russians have opened fire, but that the Russians have granted permission for Assadsits to fire back with their S-300s. Even then, these are granted to open fire only if the Russian HQ at Hmeymim says so - because the VKS is refusing to share its IFF with Assadists.
With other words: sorry, but most of what you think to know in this regards is entirely unsubstantiated - and 'what ifs' based on unsubstantiated information are not interesting for me.