I'm convinced everybody can do it. It does take time and a dose of work.
Foremost: it takes learning about the topic in question. For example: you want to study war? Then you need to understand the geo-strategic…
I'm convinced everybody can do it. It does take time and a dose of work.
Foremost: it takes learning about the topic in question. For example: you want to study war? Then you need to understand the geo-strategic and socio-economic circumstances: they're determining the armed forces are organised, equipped and trained. For this, one needs to read defence strategy of countries in question (like that of Russia): is a boring thing to read, but is necessary.
.....and then there are lots of (military) manuals: from reading these one can figure out, for example, what is certain aircraft type meant to do, why is it equipped the way it is, and what are its capabilities. Then combine that with training manuals (these are hard to get, at least as far as they are current), and that way you get the picture about 'fundamentals'.
....and then one follows events and on basis of that can conclude why is certain aircraft where it is at the time of the day in question etc.