If the fan-base is sensitive about well-documented truths about Israel, then I'm - definitely - the…
Besides, well over two thirds of what I happen to know about Israel - is based on Israeli and US sources. So, who's now to blame…
If the fan-base is sensitive about well-documented truths about Israel, then I'm - definitely - the wrong person to be a fan of: people in question should all search themselves somebody else to read.
Besides, well over two thirds of what I happen to know about Israel - is based on Israeli and US sources. So, who's now to blame? Pluralism? The fact that in a democratic system one needs not relying on mythology and legends, but can run a FOIA and get official documentation - which then tells something else than mythology?
And, if that 'fan-base' might get disappointed by what I'm writing about Israel: what is that fan-base going to say about writings by Green, Morris, Pape and few others...(BTW, the latter two are Israelis)?