Hi Lee,
by side that I’m following this war (plus few others, like that in Yemen) since its first day, or studying the ‘Syrian’ military since…
Hi Lee,
by side that I’m following this war (plus few others, like that in Yemen) since its first day, or studying the ‘Syrian’ military since decades. By side I’m reporting about such and plenty of other conflicts since decades — and that I’m as critical in my reporting about what the USA are regularly doing, as I am about what Israel is regularly doing: I’ve met plenty of Syrian refugees here in Austria, and nearly all of them have pointed out aerial bombardments are the reason for their decision to flee.
That aside, the situation in Austrian and German media is such that this siege and bombardment are completely and intentionally ignored. There’s not a beep of reporting about either in the state-controlled media. Plenty of people here are convinced the ‘war in Syria is over, the Russians withdrew’ — and now they don’t understand why aren’t the refugees sent back home.
In some other countries the people are outright ridiculing any kind of reporting about the ongoing bombardment of Eastern Ghouta. Some are even rejoicing it!
On the top of that, nothing the USA, nothing Israel, nothing the Nazis, nothing the British did with German cities in WWII, nothing the Tutsis and Hutus did to each other in Rwanda or in the DR Congo, nothing Serbs did in Srebrenica etc., etc., etc. is an excuse for what Assadists and Russians are doing to the Syrians now. That way of thinking is exactly the same that’s motivating extremists to fly airliners full of innocents into skyscrapers, or drive 40-tonnes trucks into masses of civilians: after all, from their POV it was so that the ‘Crusaders started’ — back in the 11th Century…. :rolleyes:
Most of ‘stories’ in question are a matter of past and we can’t do anything to change them any more: we can only keep the memory of such misdeeds alive, hoping this might prevent various idiots from repeating the same again.
The siege, bombardment, and intentional massacres of civilians in Eastern Ghouta are happening not only ‘now’, but since 2013. They weren’t provoked by any kind of a ‘foreign meddling’ into Syrian internal matters, but by a regime that’s terrorising its own population (plus that of numerous foreign countries), plus cooperating with a host of terrorist organisations around the world, plus a regime that fuelled the war in Iraq and significantly contributed to the destabilisation of the entire Middle East since 40 years.
There is no way to ‘exaggerate’ what is that regime — and such parties keeping it in power like the IRGC and Russia — doing in Eastern Ghouta (nor elsewhere around Syria). That’s no ‘war is horrible, civilian casualties happen’, and it’s no ‘taking sides’ or becoming ‘biased’ to point out such misdeeds, and report about them. On the contrary: that’s human.