Good question! Yes, they surely did.
Problem: the cyber war in this war is incredibly intensive, but we're learning about related details only months later. Thus, such…
Good question! Yes, they surely did.
Problem: the cyber war in this war is incredibly intensive, but we're learning about related details only months later. Thus, such 'details' like when the Russians collapsed the entire command and control system of the ZSU, at the start of the war, and left it out of capability to actually control and command its units for four days, early during the war, became known only about a month ago (perhaps slightly earlier, don't recall exactly).
Thus, all I can say right now is that the security of Kropyva remains one of biggest issues in this war (and is such, already for years).
That said, considering the 'System Putin' it is highly questionable if anybody in Moscow cares about exploiting the resulting intel.