'Full revelation', Philipp: I'm not even trying to understand the intricacies of the Ukrainian…
Under such cricumstances, 'bare essence' is perfectly enough - as long as it helps understanding the context of military operations.
'Full revelation', Philipp: I'm not even trying to understand the intricacies of the Ukrainian politics. Can't do that plus follow military developments, while simultaneously trying to find out the answer to too many questions starting with 'why'.
Under such cricumstances, 'bare essence' is perfectly enough - as long as it helps understanding the context of military operations.
In this regards, cannot but thank you - for drawing my attention at what matters: yup, the armed forces and ordianary people have decided to resist, and their resolution is to continue resisting, no matter the cost. These are strong enough that 'even' endemic corrupting at higher political levels, and 'sporadic incompetence' (perhaps hsome treachery, too?) within top military- and security ranks couldn't spoil the overall outcome.
Lets hope this 'spirit of reform' can be 'transferred' to the political future: this is one of reasons why do I see all the 'video complaints' by different Ukrainian units in positive light. They not only dare confronting the Russians, but their incompetent commanders and corrupt politicians, too - and that not because their situation is bad, but despite their situaiton being bad.