you're not talking with some 'bloody noob' in regards of the Turkey vs. PKK war, but with somebody who travelled all over Syria (including…
you're not talking with some 'bloody noob' in regards of the Turkey vs. PKK war, but with somebody who travelled all over Syria (including the north-east, which is nowadays under the control of the PKK/YPG/SDF-conglomerate, supported by US troops), and an editor who had one of his authors (and his family) threatened by both the MIT and the PKK for trying to publish his book about that conflict with us.
Thus, thanks, but I need no videos of POW-executions by anybody: know all too well what is who there doing to whom.
In similar fashion, thanks, but I need no lessons in who is Erdogan and who is PKK: both are as despicable for me because both either already have, or are trying to impose their dictatorships.
Quite on the contrary: I'm always going to counter whoever is trying to whitewash the deeds of one or another. Precisely that is why I cannot stop repeating myself: plese, stop 'teaching' me about the 'pooh lil fluffy pink bunnies PKK opposing POW-liquidating Turkish barbarians'.
If nothing else, I know that half of PKK's girlies run away from home because their parents attempted to sell them on the 'local bridal market' - the way this is still a widespread custom in the Kurdish society of Turkey (and I know this not because I've heard it from the mother-in-law of my cousin of sixth degree - but because I was involved in saving such young ladies from their own parents, and that already back in the 1990s).
Bottom line: if you're counting such ' actions made by the Turkish military and authorities' - count those by the PKK, too. Then call me again.