Differences between toss/loft bombing and what the two air forces e doing with unguided rockets are…
Thus, it's not 'only the ammunition'. Mind that it's extremely easy to miss when applying this technique: a notch too much power on engine…
Differences between toss/loft bombing and what the two air forces e doing with unguided rockets are the search for solutions for problem on hand, training, care of preparation for every sortie, ammunition used, and results.
Thus, it's not 'only the ammunition'. Mind that it's extremely easy to miss when applying this technique: a notch too much power on engine, a deviation of half a degree - and bombs are going to miss by anything between 2,000 and 4,000 metres.
Though, yes: if one deploys a 250kg bomb with lethal radius of 150m, instead of unguided rockets with lethal radius of, perhaps, 10m, even a 'near miss' is going to make a big difference.