Cannot but agree with Dmitry: Russia is much too 'kaputt' for a general mobilisation (and that…
Moreover, that would be equal to Putin - somebody presenting himself as 'military genoious' and 'grand strategist' - publicly admitting a…
Cannot but agree with Dmitry: Russia is much too 'kaputt' for a general mobilisation (and that aside of the fact that Putin bunkered so many billions aborad, and now can't reach back upon them to finance such an undertaking).
Moreover, that would be equal to Putin - somebody presenting himself as 'military genoious' and 'grand strategist' - publicly admitting a major defeat, the collapse of his 'special military operation'.
Plus, what would it bring? Under ideal circumstances, it would fill the VSRF with 1 million of recruits, in need of training, lacking modern equipment, and entirely useless on the battlefield. And then...?