'As you sow, you shall reap'.
As long as you address me with BS like online-psychoanalysis - i.e. if you troll - you get BS back.
'As you sow, you shall reap'.
As long as you address me with BS like online-psychoanalysis - i.e. if you troll - you get BS back.
Re. Ukrainian casualties 'pouring' into Mykolaiv, Odessa and Kryvyi Rihh: yes, I know about this, and have actually addressed it. You just didn't pay attention.
Talking about this topic: I find it fascinating that you're seeing a report about 'at least 9 KIA' of the 128th Mountain, posted by a little-known online platform, best-known for living from click-baits for penis-enlargements and Viagra - as some sort of 'confirmation' for Russian claim they have 'defeated the 128th Brigade'.
How comes? Have you got an agenda?
Come on, reply to this and lots of other questions I've got. Would be important especially because it meanwhile turned out the 128th was the unit destroying the 205th at Zolota Balka and then driving all the way 'down' to Mykhalivka.
How comes you do not know about this?
How comes you do not know about the number of Russian that died after being brought to the Borozenskoye hospital - for the lack of treatment? Is mentioned in the same report about 9 KIA from the 12th - but 'unimportant' to you?
'Bebunk Ologist': you're presenting yourself as somebody who's meaning it seriously, but do not offer critique. Just nonsensical criticism. You've got an agenda and thus aren't paying attention: all that matters to you is 'because of that one online report and because of rumours about hospitals being overfilled, the Russian reports that 128th is destroyed and offensive failed are truth'.
....even if you can't find even enough online evidence for that idea.
You do not care what the 128th has achieved by now. You do not care if it was 'just' one of its reconnaissance platoons that was destroyed. You do not care the 128th remains involved in the offensive and is continuing the advance in southern direction. Nor do you care about all the other ZSU brigades involved.
So, come on: WTF? Why are you so ignorant of all of this, but complaining about me?
The rest of your message...
'Lack of retaken ground under the counter-offensive': nonesnse and trolling. If you can't read or can't comprehend what I wrote, not my problem.
'Large-scale raid': you're hanging on one idea for the sake of BS-itting - or because you can't think past linear thinking? I was discussing a map that made no sense, and that with help of data as available at the given time. It was the Russians who were talking about 'raid', and I said, yes, given the history of the ZSU, that's possible. That was about all. Two days later, everybody knows better.
Re. 'only Russia is able of failure, Ukraine not': yet more BS. You simply didn't read the mass of what I've posted here by now. If nothing else, you might want to pay attention at reports from Izium area back in April and May, or Lysychansk, in June and July.
....and, since then you got back to BS-itting, that's going to be the end of my replies to you, too.