Air Strikes by VKS & SyAAF, 22 June 2017
The day began in same style like the one before: with a series of take-offs by Russian fighter-bombers from Hmemmem AB. These were…
The day began in same style like the one before: with a series of take-offs by Russian fighter-bombers from Hmemmem AB. These were registered at 00.00, 00.15, 00.53, 00.55, 01.21, and 02.51. All passed high above Houla, some 5–10 minutes later, and then went on in southern direction. With other words: if the Russians are meaning it serious with any kind of threats against US and allied aircraft, they do not support their words with their actions.
At 03.21, as-Sien launched one Su-24 in southern direction, but that remained the only Assadist sortie for the night. At 07.12, Hmemmem launched one VKS fighter-bomber in eastern direction, but that remained the only Russian sortie in the morning. Instead, the SyAAF was most active during the following period: at 08.43, Shayrat launched one Su-22 towards north; at 08.47, Tiyas launched a Su-24 towards north; at 08.48, Nassiriyah launched a MiG-23 towards north; at 09.02, Tiyas launched a Su-24 towards north-east; and at 09.17 Tiyas launched a Su-22 towards north.
Following more than one hour-long break, at 10.58, Nassiriyah scrambled another MiG-23 towards north. Then, a helicopter lifted off Almazza, at 11.17, followed by two more, at 11.28 and 11.37. Tiyas launched one Su-22 towards north at 11.43, and another at 11.54.
The Russian A-50 took off from Hmemmem AB at 12.04, and was escorted by at least two fighter-bombers (one at 12.04, another at 12.11).
More Assadist air strikes were launched during following minutes, including a MiG-23 from Nassiriyah towards south at 12.36, a MiG-23 from Dmeyr at 12.37, Su-24 from Dmeyr towards south at 12.37, three helicopters from Almazza at 12.54 and 12.57, a MiG-23 from Nassiriyah at 13.00, another MiG-23 from Nassiriyah at 13.02, a Su-22 from Kweres in eastern direction at 13.20, a Su-22 from Tiyas at 13.27, a Su-22 from Shayrat in north-eastern direction at 13.46, and another at 13.50, a helicopter from Almazza at 14.43, and a MiG-23 from Nassiriyah in northern direction at 14.44. Several of air strikes in question have targeted Jobar
, from where there are reports about deployment of chemical weapons, this morning. Guess, since it appears that ‘only’ chlorine was deployed, we need not care about any possible US reactions…
The same can be expected in reaction to several of air strikes — and ground attacks
- on the US-supported FSyA units in the Bir Qassab area, east of Damascus. This is no active frontline in the war on the Daesh any more, and thus ‘not important’ to the Pentagon…
Around 15.00–15.10hrs, several (3–4) aircraft were reported while approaching Dera’a from northern direction at high altitude. These were apparently Russian, and resulted in bombardment of Dera’a
- in support of another failed assault by Hezbollah (by all the reports about recruitment of additional troops, establishment of new units and whatever else in this regards, it’s rather remarkable how much the regime remains dependent on foreign fighters for its operations).
At 16.33, Shayrat launched one Su-22 in north-eastern direction; a minute later, Tiyas did the same, while Nassiriyah launched another MiG-23 at 16.40. Almazza then dispatched a helicopter towards south at 16.44, and Tiyas closed this ‘wave’ with a Su-22 launched in north-eastern direction at 16.57.
At 18.04, Tiyas launched one Su-24 towards north; and then another at 18.14.
Evening activity began with a single Su-24 from Tiyas at 20.38, and continued in form of a helicopter that took off from Kweres in southern direction at 20.38, a Su-24 from as-Sien at 20.44, another Su-24 from Tiyas at 21.34, three helicopters from Almazza (at 21.50, 21.56, and 22.00hrs), another Su-24 from as-Sien at 22.08, three helicopters from Almazza (at 23.17, 23.30, and 23.32), then two VKS fighter-bombers that launched from Hmemmem in southern direction (at 23.32 and 23.38), and additional helicopters from Almazza (at 23.40 and 23.41).
Elsewhere, Assadists are bragging about supposed downing of six US Switchblade UAVs
over northern Lattakia (why should the USA fly UAVs there — except to track down and fight the HTS, which would actually be in Assadist interest — is beyond my ability to comprehend), while Hezbollah is announcing, “We are in almost open war with America. Prepare yourself for a big fight after Ramadan, on all fronts.”… Usually, such statements can be taken far more seriously than those by Keystone Cops in Moscow.
I.e. we’ll see were is the US policy on ‘complete concentration on the Daesh’ going to lead…
fighter-bombers: 15
helicopters: 0
UAVs: 4
recce: 1, perhaps 2
L-39s: 0
helicopters: 17
MiG-21s: 0
MiG-23s: 8
Su-22s: 11
Su-24s: 10
Note: My summary on UAV-kills scored over Syria so far in this month was published by War is Boring: Drones Are Dropping Like Flies From the Sky Over Syria